Our Feminist Library from FiLiA

Access should not be restricted on any grounds but the law
— The Library and Information Association

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our bookshop, which has been created out of a joint Twitter action with Woman’s Place UK.

Feminist libraries fulfil an important role by holding and sharing materials that challenge and subvert the patriarchal status quo. They enable the expansion of the questioning mind … women seeking answers from those who have pondered before them; finding their own voices and adding their contributions to the vast collections of Feminist thinking. These precious libraries can be nurturing spaces that invite and engage; holding workshops, encouraging debate and providing sanctuary from an increasingly hostile environment. Spaces where we can lose ourselves in subversive materials, Feminist Zines and archives; a myriad of ideas captured in various forms which thrill and challenge us in equal measure.

The Women’s Liberation Movement needs Feminist libraries!

We thank all those who sent in the suggestions for #OurFeministLibrary - it’s a truly collective effort that emerged as a direct response to a number of actions by the Feminist Library, including their Statement on Transphobia which precludes some Feminist groups from booking the library for their own events.

We encourage Women to keep sending in their contributions (to comms@filia.org.uk). Meanwhile, we will continue to approach the Feminist Library requesting that collections gifted by Feminists are allowed to be shown at FiLiA, and asking that they stand by their Manifesta 'We want feminists to send us their work so that ideas can be shared freely with the whole movement; and to use our space.'

PS. If you buy books linked to our site, we may earn a commission from Bookshop.org, whose fees support independent bookshops. We are grateful for these donations which will be used to support the work of FiLiA Some suggestions are out of print or unavailable on bookshop.org and couldn't be included here. This is an ever-evolving collection and will never be finished. If you have a recommendation please let us know at comms@filia.org.uk.

StatementsJ Stein