Donate to the FiLiA Women's Rights Conference — FiLiA

Thank you for considering a donation towards the work of FiLiA. We are grateful to everyone who makes FiLiA possible, through gifting their time and making donations.

Donate to FiLiA Today

We’re a grassroots organisation so we depend on our supporters. Women gift their time and energy to make FiLiA possible. Hundreds of volunteers, speakers, artists and writers work tirelessly throughout the year, leading up to our annual weekend event. We can’t do it without your help.

We are grateful for your donations which will be used to support the work of FiLiA as we Build Sisterhood and Solidarity locally, nationally and globally.

Help women attend FiliA

Buy a ticket to the conference for a woman who wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend.

Become a Friend of FiLiA

Monthly donations allow us to plan ahead. All donations to the Friends of FiLiA scheme go directly towards supporting women to participate who otherwise would not be able to for example by providing a creche, speech to text and Solidarity Tickets.

Becoming a Friend of FiLiA starts at £1 / month and every penny really does make a difference. 

Donate to our current campaigns:

Other Ways to Donate

We have had a number of requests asking how to leave a gift in your will. Thank you for thinking of FiLiA. Please contact us directly to discuss this further so that we can ensure your funds are spent as you would wish.

We're always very happy to receive donations by post; Please make cheques payable to ‘FiLiA’.

Our postal address for donations is:

FiLiA, C/O Women’s Resource Centre, 3rd Floor, 72-75 Red Lion Street, London, WC1R 4NA, United Kingdom