#011 FiLiA meets: Hibo Wardere - FGM Activist & Speaker

Hibo Wardere is a survivor of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) who spends her time working to ensure that no other girl will be subjected to the pain and long term physical and emotional damage it causes. She works in the UK and all over the world advising governments and teaching schools and health professionals about FGM.

In Somalia, where Hibo was born, 98% of women have been cut; it is most commonly practised in west, east and north Africa. It is also practised in parts of the Middle East and Asia, particularly Indonesia, but, with migration, girls in any country can be at risk. It is estimated there are 170,000 women and girls in England and Wales who have been affected by it, and 63,000 who are at risk.

Hibo talks about her own experience, the works she is involved now and why stopping FGM is everyone’s business. She will be talking in more detail on the Sunday of the FiLiA conference in 2018.

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