Understanding Violence Against Older Women


Research, policy and activism around violence against women has primarily focused on young women, who have considered most at risk of victimisation. Over the last few decades, research has gradually emerged showing high levels of violence and abuse against older women. However, this abuse has been defined by the victim's age rather than gender and, consequently, has been labelled 'elder abuse'. This conceptual framing of violence against women has not only obscured the extent of the problem, but has led to poorly informed prevention and response initiatives.
At the FiLiA Conference Dr Hannah Bows will draw on two recent studies examining different forms of violence against older women, namely sexual violence and homicide, from a feminist perspective. Implications for future research, policy and practice are discussed. 

Sexual violence is any type of sexual behaviour that the victim does not consent to. It is a myth that older people don't experience sexual violence. Most of the cases reported to the police involved a woman aged 60-69. The research found that most of the perpetrators were male (98%).