#016 FiLiA meets: Sabiha Temizkan - Speak Up For Leyla

UPDATE 26th May 2019

“I end my hunger strike but continue my fight against isolation”
Leyla Güven

Article in the Morning Star HERE

Sabiha Temizkan is the daughter of Leyla Güven. Leyla is a Kurdish member of parliament from the Peoples’ Democratic Party in Turkey and co-chair of the Democratic Society Congress. Leyla has been on hunger strike since November 8th 2018 to protest the conditions of isolation in which PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan has been kept. Sabiha and Güzide Diker (interpreting) speak with Sally Jackson from FiLiA about Leyla’s resistance for democracy and peace in Turkey and how women can support her.

Speak Up for Leyla Campaign

FiLiA Statement – a letter to Leyla

Follow Sabiha on Twitter: @sabihatemizkan

Write to your MP in the UK