FiLiA meets: Kiri Tunks - WPUK

Kiri Tunks is a teacher, trade unionist, socialist feminist and one of the co-founders of Woman’s Place UK (WPUK). This grass-roots women’s rights campaign group started with 5 demands:

  1. Respectful and evidence-based discussion about the impact of the proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act to be allowed to take place and for women’s voices to be heard.

  2. The principle of women-only spaces to be upheld – and where necessary extended.

  3. A review of how the exemptions in the Equality Act which allow or single sex services or requirements that only a woman can apply for a job (such as in a domestic violence refuge) are being applied in practice.

  4. Government to consult with women’s organisations on how self-declaration would impact on women-only services and spaces.

  5. Government to consult on how self-declaration will impact upon data gathering – such as crime, employment, pay and health statistics – and monitoring of sex-based discrimination such as the gender pay gap.

Find out more at WPUK Website

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