Update on Kakuma

Following the release of our podcast in August, as part of an international protest on 1st September, we delivered a letter to UNHCR. The letter shared the information we had gathered from the women we spoke to and detailed the abuses they suffered. We noted the obligation of UNHCR to provide a place of safety for refugees, especially those seeking asylum due to their sexuality and demanded that they:

  • Ensure IMMEDIATELY that movement passes are issued for all LGB&T refugees to leave Kakuma Camp 

  • Give their protection for all LGB&T refugees to transit safely from Kakuma Camp to Nairobi and to be protected for the duration of their time in Kenya  

  • Act urgently to protect these Women’s lives 

We received a disappointing response which we sent to our friends in Kakuma camp. They agreed to formulate a reply which they have. Tragically before they could complete the reply, the camp was hit with some devastating news. You may remember in the podcast we spoke to Reginah, whose young baby Patricia (known as baby Covid) was injured when just 3 days old. The refugees were at a demonstration at the UNHCR to ask for better protection following many attacks and rapes. The UNHCR authorised police use of tear gas to disperse the crowd and baby Covid was hit by one of the canisters. When I interviewed Reginah, I could see the scars on her young baby. Sadly, baby Covid never really recovered and died at the hospital on 16th September. All of Block 13 were devastated. As you can imagine living together and enduring such adversity there is a tight bond within Block 13 and they often speak of themselves as one family. The loss of their daughter was overwhelming. FiLiA were honoured to take part in the online funeral the following day, Block 13 came together to mourn their loss.

We have since run a fundraiser for Reginah, we know that money can never replace her loss, but also that a phone would help her keep in contact and blankets for her and her surviving children will help during the winter. We were pleased to be able to send her £150 thanks to the generosity of our supporters. She sent us this message:

 “Tell all the women I appreciate you all. Thanks very much for all you have spared for me. All women who have contributed towards my struggles, thanks for your golden heart.  It’s quite a long way to meet you people, but deserved all of you, a big hug. Though I still am having too much headache but am thinking of you my dears. Nothing much to say but thank you all. 

During this time, we had also written to Dominic Raab’s office. We are aware that the UK sends financial aid to support Kakuma camp and hoped that this could be used to encourage UNHCR to act and ensure safety for Block 13. Positively, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) did make enquires to UNHCR but received the same platitudes they had given us. We also forwarded this to Kakuma camp for their response. 

FiLiA attended a meeting with the various international organisations supporting Block 13. As international awareness is increasing, refugee organisations, LGB&T organisations, and individual activists have come together from across Europe, the USA, and Africa to offer support and lobby for their safe passage. The refugees are always involved with these calls and they are organised by a passionate Ugandan and human rights defender Victor Mukasa, who works tirelessly for their freedom. The refugees had this message for FiLiA and our supporters ‘You have uplifted our spirits and our belief in hope. You have taught us the meaning if sisterhood, thank you.’

A few days ago, we received a full evidence file from the camp leaders. This includes the video accounts below from brave women Susan, Sifa, Shifra, and Jackie who were violently and sexually assaulted:

Many thanks to the leaders and members of Block 13 and the evacuate Block 13 campaign globally without whom this evidence could not have been gathered.

We will take this evidence to both the FCO and UNHCR and update you on their response. Please see our Campaign Pack to see how you can help.

Sally Jackson 16/10/20