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#56 FiLiA discusses: Rape Case in Cyprus with Bracha Barad

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FiLiA has covered the case of a young British woman who reported being gang raped while staying at a resort in Cyprus. FiLiA called on the UK Government to take action: read our piece Cyprus: trial by porn culture

In this podcast, FiLiA speaks with feminist activist Bracha Barad, who flew from Israel to Cyprus to show support for the victim. Bracha Barad is a Co-founder and Executive Director of Kulan, an Israeli feminist NGO. She began producing the Tel Aviv Slut Walk in 2016, administration that is part of an international movement against sexual violence and victim blaming. Under her leadership the TLV Slut Walk has become the biggest feminist annual protest in Israel. She is also part of the managing team of the biggest feminist virtual community, Feminist Discourse, and together they founded Kulan, an organization that builds a community of women struggling for social change, and helps sound the voices of women in the field, in the media, and on social networks. Julian Norman joins her in a discussion about the case in Cyprus.

Kulan Website

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Sign the petition for the Cypriot government to drop all charges

Find out updates about the case on BBC News