Radical Sisters Gearing Up for the Next Decade


We are fascinated by the figure of the hummingbird described by Wangari Maathai. “I will be a hummingbird, I will do the best I can”. To some extent, when we have gathered and created Radical Girlsss, we knew from the very scratch that we are like hummingbirds, doing the best that we can to build, gather and connect with migrant young women and girls. 

We are still pouring small drops of water in a big fire dominating the forest, but we can perceive and feel the impact that our actions and values are creating. This year has been very impactful for us, as a group, as we have built up a safe space and familiar environment in which we feel at home, while we spent time re-learning and creating this feminist movement and interacting with the members of the European Network of Migrant Women. 

The strongest asset of Radical Girlsss is knowing that we have sisters located in various countries on the continent, ready to support each other and grow while dealing with our aspirations, daily life, dreams, challenges and anger. It is a focal point reminding us that we are not alone. 

We have stated on multiple occasions that we are angry, and not willed to any extent or circumstance to compromise with our values. We are vocal, skilled, and so keen and eager at making more to be in each platform and take all spaces. We don’t want to be tokenized and we pretend to be heard. We are angry because we are not free while any woman is unfree. We are angry because we realize that we are not free yet until patriarchy invades each sphere of our own lives. In each corner, in our jobs, our personal relationship, our families and the society, patriarchy is constantly there and often the anger becomes just a sense of feeling tired and exhausted. It is within this safe space we have created with modesty and honesty, that we get the power and motivation of not giving up, while we have learned the importance of living our emotions, and of taking care of ourselves. We have explored sadness and happiness, challenges and success, and we are preparing ourselves for a new feminist decade. 

We are amazed by ourselves and by how courageous and radical speaking the truth is. We have been truthful and as much as we realize that there’s much to do, the biggest achievement to us was building this movement of amazing young women who uplift and support each other. 

We have realized that sisterhood is possible, that solidarity can be built. And for this, we are grateful and honoured. 

To the new decade: we are ready for you.