Black Lives Matter

FiLiA is horrified and enraged at the murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and the many other members of the Black community at the hands of the police, and at the ongoing violence perpetrated by the police and state against protesters, largely made up of the Black community. 

We fight to take down all systems of oppression including racism and sexism, and challenge police brutality. We are livid at the lack of empathy and sense of injustice, and actual justice - particularly in Breonna's case where the police have not been arrested for her murder - from those in power, including here in the UK. We have yet to hear sincere condemnation and an acknowledgement from the UK government that it upholds and benefits from racism and sexism too. Additionally, it has sought to hide the report into the impact of Covid19 on the BAME community and has not yet spoken out at how it will address these inequalities. 

We stand in solidarity with Black and minority ethnic communities, and especially with our Sisters to provide support however we can. FiLiA is protesting if we can, listening and learning, and amplifying the voices of those that are victims of oppression and need to be heard. We are committed to keeping up the momentum for change and will continue to fight to take down white male supremacy. 

We support Black Lives Matter and recommend using their list of comprehensive resources - there is a template letter to write to your MP, UK groups fighting racism to support, educational resources, petitions you can sign and causes to donate to.