This Valentine’s day #ShowYourLove for the Women in Kakuma
“The Lesbians in Kakuma need us to raise their voices so that UNHCR listens, and importantly, acts to preserve their rights and keep them safe.”
As you may know, FiLiA has been supporting the women in Block 13 (The LGB&T area of Kakuma Refugee camp) since the summer of 2020. We were delighted that they were able to join us via Zoom at FiLiA21 and were blown away by your support for them and concern for the dreadful treatment they are subjected to. They face homophobic attacks and are not properly supported by the organisations that are supposed to be providing healthcare, education, and security, because of their sexuality.
The Kenyan government is saying the camp will close this summer, maybe as early as June as discussed in the European Parliament here. The women are desperate and UNHCR must progress their asylum applications so that they can be relocated to a safe country. But also, UNHCR must ensure their safety and care while they are there. They are starting to notice that services are closing down or being reduced. It is nearly impossible to seek medical attention that doesn’t cost money. The food provision has been changed from rice to sorghum, a grain that in other countries is used as livestock feed and ethanol production. Alarmingly, UNHCR has nominated another refugee (not from Block 13) to be their liaison (to whom they must report any issues or troubles). This is the same man that before the dreadful arson attack a year ago which killed one of the gay men and left another with life-changing injuries was filmed threatening “I will burn you alive!”. If this isn’t the most flagrant insult and disregard for their safety, we are not sure what is.
This is who UNHCR has allocated as liaison to the refugees in Block 13 - yes he is threatening to burn them alive.
FiLiA is asking Women’s Groups, LGB&T charities, and individuals to join our #ShowYourLove campaign this Valentine’s Day by writing on February 14th to the UNHCR and other support organisations to demand that the:
UNHCR insists the Kenyan government fast-track meaningful asylum (REFUGEE STATUS DETERMINATION) to all LGB&T asylum seekers in Kakuma and wherever they are in Kenya.
UNHCR gives protection for all LGB&T refugees to transit safely from Kakuma Camp to Nairobi and to be protected for the duration of their stay in Kenya.
UNHCR immediately offers physical protection to the LGB&T refugees and asylum seekers in Block 13 and all over Kakuma camp because they all face homophobia and violence.
UNHCR clarifies whether their intent is to close this camp and if so work with all camp residents to find a satisfactory and safe new residence.
UNHCR resumes the food and water supplies that were being provided but have now been ended including resupplying rice to residents.
UNHCR immediately stops the attacks and mis-characterising of the LGB&T asylum seekers and refugees under their care and instead perform their mandate to give them protection from the hostile community; and
Kakuma Camp be labeled a hostile environment to LGB&T refugees and asylum seekers and the UNHCR evacuate LGB&T asylum seekers and refugees to a mutually agreed upon safer place to stop further harm and loss of lives.
To join in, see our Campaign Pack for the template letter, to make a donation if you are able, and to find more detailed information about the camp.
The Lesbians in Kakuma need us to raise their voices so that UNHCR listens and importantly acts to preserve their rights and keep them safe. FiLiA will stay with them until they are free.
Shifra – We have suffered a long time, people don’t know how we are suffering. The world doesn’t know about it. The UNHCR is showing another mask, it’s putting on a mask showing something else yet LGBT are suffering.