Here are some of the themes you can learn about at the FiLiA Women’s Rights Conference:


At the conference, you will encounter the voices and perspective of women committed to anti-racism movement-building, politics and organising, and learn about the ongoing work to unravel white supremacy and structural racism. This is a space for learning and solidarity, that invites us to reflect and change moving forward in order to create a better world for all women and girls.

FiLiA is committed to the global nature of the women's rights movement. Therefore, to properly support the work of the feminist movement, we must commit ourselves to anti-racist politics. This practice shapes the principles that form the backbone of our organisation, and every aspect of the work that we do.


Ecofeminism is a branch of the women’s rights movement that highlights the connection between the exploitation of our planet with the subjugation of women and girls, under Patriarchy. 

Meet speakers from all around the world who fight at the forefront of the feminist movement, with an emphasis on the protection and preservation of the environment.



Throughout history, scientific research in academia and the medical establishment have assumed male bodies to be universal. In turn, symptoms and diseases which affect females have been systematically ignored and women’s pain has been dismissed, to the detriment of women and girls. The invisibilisation of our bodies is a public health issue that requires increased research and social awareness.

Meet women whose work focuses on challenging the harms of a medical system which ignores women’s bodies and learn what you can do to help.


Representation of women, and the lack of women in positions of power, has proven to be an important factor in influencing not only women themselves but also the way society sees our potential and capacity. However, we are aware that representation means nothing if women obtain positions of power that do not dismantle systems of privilege and oppression. 

Hear a variety of perspectives when it comes to representation and meet wonderful speakers working on this topic.

Sex-Based Rights

Gender is a patriarchal mechanism to justify the subjugation of women in order to benefit the domination of men. To argue, or worse yet, to legislate that gender is an innate essence which lies within every human being is to hold women and girls responsible for our own oppression.

FiLiA is a wide-ranging feminist organisation. Although we do not exist solely to address the fight to protect and expand women's sex-based rights, the unfolding of events over the past years has made it clear to us that we have a duty to take a stand. Therefore, we stand in support of sex-based rights, because those are much-needed victories that thousands of UK women have fought for, over decades.

You will hear speakers who are fighting to protect and expand women’s sex-based rights.

Class Politics

The feminist movement seeks to liberate all women and girls, around the world, from the subjugation of patriarchy. This oppression and discrimination is particularly pronounced based on poverty and economic inequality. 

At FiLiA, we understand that poverty has a female face. This stark reality is not a random coincidence, but the result of structural factors that ensure women’s labour in and out of the home is never done. Meet speakers whose work focuses on addressing poverty and income inequality’s disproportionate effect on the lives of women and girls. 

By Unknown author - The Suffragette by Sylvia Pankhurst. New York: Source Book Press, 1970.

Feminist History

We are committed to building sisterhood and solidarity, to amplifying the voices of women and to defending women’s human rights. Our commitment and aims can only be advanced by acknowledging the pivotal importance that feminist history has to our current struggles. As a movement, it is only through understanding our past lessons and challenges that we can move forward.

Meet women working to preserve our collective feminist history and the strategies they use to bring that knowledge to younger generations. 


Lesbian Rights

Women and girls have the right to set boundaries around their sexuality. This includes the right to not be forced or pressured into any relationships or sexual acts that negate these boundaries. Around the world, too many women face backlash, prejudice and rejection to persuade against establishing same-sex relationships.

This is unacceptable and during the FiLiA Conference, you will hear campaigners at the forefront of the fight to protect and expand the rights of lesbian and bisexual women, free from discrimination and abuse.


Reproductive Rights

From surrogacy to abortion rights, the struggle to defend the reproductive rights of women is both multipronged and urgent.

At FiLiA, we consider surrogacy (or the rent of women's bodies for reproductive purposes) to be a human rights violation against women. We understand how interconnected restrictions and limitations to women's reproductive freedom is tied to class and race struggles.

At the conference, you can witness the perspectives and experiences of women at the forefront of reproductive rights advocacy.

Sexual Exploitation Industries

FiLiA is committed to the eradication of all forms of exploitation against girls and women, including the exploitation that takes place in the sex industry. We are an abolitionist feminist organisation. Under a patriarchal system, sexual exploitation industries present themselves in multiple forms including prostitution, human trafficking, the gig economy (such as Only Fans) and imbalanced sexual arrangements (like sugar daddy relationships) that proliferate at the expense of women’s subjugation to perpetuate men’s dominance.

At our FiLiA Conference, you will meet fantastic speakers and the work they do to fight back against sexual exploitation industries, around the world.



Disability affects the lives of many women and girls. The lack of understanding and structural support to address disability issues creates its own impairment that can have a detrimental effect on a complex issue. 

Meet campaigners and authors who are defending the rights of women and girls’ living with disabilities. Learn about feminist strategies to raise societal awareness and tools to create structural change.


Although FiLiA is a charity registered in the United Kingdom, one of our core principles is to amplify the voices of women from around the world. We understand that the issues that affect women and girls around the world are both complex and multifaceted. Therefore, the work we do at FiLiA through our conference, feminist book club and other projects, is committed to highlighting the global and interconnected aspect of the women’s rights movement. 

Meet speakers from all around the world who fight at the forefront of the feminist movement. 


War and conflict has a disproportionately negative effect on women and girls, who are tasked with sustaining society through double and triple shifts of labour, around the clock, both in the home and in the public sphere. Despite this, the rights and experiences of women tend to be ignored or overlooked in these political discussions. 

The voices of women are pivotal to peace efforts and to preventing escalating conflict worldwide. Meet some of the leading campaigners who are at the forefront of global peace efforts and how you can get involved in their causes.


Faith and spirituality play an important role in the lives of many women around the world. However, we recognise that there is a feminist case against organised religion as a tool for promoting patriarchal dominance over the lives of women and girls. 

Explore the different perspectives of women of faith who work towards a better world, free from the oppressive aspects of religious practices. You will also hear from the now secular women who speak out about their experiences leaving religious upbringings.

Violence Against Women

Eradicating male violence against women and girls is at the heart of the women's liberation movement. As a feminist organisation, and through our conference, feminist book club and other projects, FiLiA is committed to amplifying the perspectives and experiences of women and girls whose work centres the fight against male violence and defending the right of women and girls to live their lives free from violence.

At the conference and on this website you will find articles highlighting different forms of male violence against girls and women, along with feminist strategies and approaches to combat it.