How to Fight an (Almost) Impossible War

By Eugenia Rodrigues, Brazilian journalist and spokesperson for No Corpo Certo ("In the Right Body"). This article was adapted from the speech Eugenia gave at #FiLiA2021 during the UnSynced Panel

I am the spokesperson of No corpo certo, which means In the Right Body, a Brazilian campaign that raises awareness about the impact of “gender identity” ideology in the health of gender-nonconformity kids. Plus, the whole Declaration of Women's Human Rights also urges states to protect the rights of women, girls and children from the impact of this ideology. Thus, months ago, both No Corpo Certo and WHRC Brazil wrote to the UN denouncing this violation of rights; In the Right Body wrote its own letter and WHRC Brazil sent a translation in Portuguese of a document produced by other dear members of other countries [ ]. Neither of these, No Corpo Certo AND WHRC Brasil, got an answer… Some recipients confirmed they received the emails and that was all.

So, how do we fight against an ideology that convinced so many people to deny the reality in front of their eyes? An ideology backed by the billions of dollars that come from pharmaceutical companies, porn industry, pimp lobby...? That, at least in the West, is supported or at least tolerated by almost every media conglomerate, academics, political parties, social movements, celebrities? That convinces girls and young women that puberty blockers, shots of testosterone and a double mastectomy at eighteen is a “treatment”? An ideology supported by some of our beloved friends or relatives and organizations and people we USED to trust, such as WHO, medical and psychologist boards and even the UN?

I don´t have all the answers and probably these tips will not serve everyone. But they have been useful for me and many other women.

Tell the truth

If you are able to call a man a man, at home, among your friends, to trustworthy coworkers, do it. We are all men and women and not “trans women”, “trans men”, “non-binary”, “agender” and all these invented labels. If you have time, build profiles on social media, even if anonymous, to keep speaking the truth. All mass hysteria ended, all unethical experiments ended. All our issues derive from the meaning of women; as many of us stated, how do you protect what you cannot define? If you focus on domestic violence, how will you ensure that these victims will have a sex-single refugee? If you focus on education, how will you support gender non-conforming kids? 


There are plenty of fair battles and causes in the world, but all of them are being fought for men already. Dedicate your time to questions that impact exclusively or mostly women and girls: “gender identity” politics, prostitution, porn, paedophilia, genital mutilation, femicide, lesbophobia, male violence against us and etc.


Sheila Jeffrey, Janice Raymond, Julie Bindel, Andrea Dworkin, Kathleen Stock… Plus, many women that bent to transgenderism in this century wrote great books in the past. Studying improve our arguments; it's great stating that men are not women and prostitution is not work, but even better when you know how these nonsenses were forged.

Become a member of an international organization, as WHRC.

Being in touch with women around the world is incredibly powerful and useful. Even better if you ALSO join a local grassroots feminist organization or start your own, even if it´s only you. If you build, they will come. 


that your organization will probably have little or no money, coverage or support. At least, the more you convince people, the more members you will have, the faster we will achieve our goals and at some point, the media, politicians and other people in positions of power will not be able to ignore you anymore. After years of battle, we watched in the mainstream media names like Kara Dansky, Beth Steltzer, Keira Bell, Posie Parker and even myself - I was quoted in a Brazilian newspaper criticizing “gender” medicine.   

Keep going

No matter what they say. We do not have money to pay expensive lawyers that put “gender identity” on laws, to do lobby trips, convince politicians, paid activists… But we have the truth on our side and at some point, even the powerful UN will listen to us. We know we are on the right side of Herstory. Although we get angry and sad many times, it's better to be angry than to be angry AND silent. Our daughters, the daughters of our friends, our nieces, students, younger friends, all the women and girls in the world will inherit a better place BECAUSE of us.